The Nether Prison of the Astral Vulture (pt. 12)

a large dungeon map on blue grid paper arranged as a central square with additional squares on each corner.

Like in yesterday’s Cyclopean Ruins post, I wound up rolling a 6 on my “special” die in addition to a monster here, so I rolled twice and put two sets of monsters in this room. This led to a new ability for centipedes in this dungeon, which makes me want to set up a table of abilities for all the monsters in this level like I did for the harpies and the hobgoblins in Level 4. I am slowly nearing completion on the Nether Prison, and I plan to rework everything I’ve written so far into one big key once the level is finished. But for now, here’s some more rooms!

Room 71: Empty

Room 72: Empty

Room 73: Empty

Room 74: Empty

Room 75: 6 giant rats, 5 of which have a large, foot-long centipede embedded at the base of their skulls like ticks. These centipedes drain selfhood with their venom, latching onto their victims like armor. 

Room 76: The spiritual energy is thin here. When the vulture is not present in the prison, any prisoners entering this room must save or die. If the vulture is present in the prison, it instead functions as an anti-magic field. (I rolled the max possible on my d6s here! Time to do something *fun*).

Room 77: The roots of a massive, upside down tree grow up through the floor here. Scaling the trunk is difficult, but possible. The tree’s upper branches brush Level 5 and it can be used to traverse all five levels.

Room 78: Empty

Room 79: Empty

Room 80: Empty