
Some of a Game

A while ago, I picked up a copy of the AD&D 2e book “Player’s Option: Skills and...

Gods, Pt. 2

Last week, I posted some gods I had written years ago — I think for a 4e game that was never going...

Starting Spellbooks

Inspired by this post by Mazirian’s Garden, I wanted to write up some spellbooks. I found that...


“The Circle of the Lustful” Francesca da Rimini Here’s a roster of gods I wrote...

The Nether Prison of the Astral Vulture Monsters (pt. 7 — Orcs)

In the world of the Nether Prison, orcs are the condemned souls who wander the Underworld in...

Six languages and three dialects

I’m really enjoying the language-themed blog posts going around right now, check them out if you...

A year-long challenge

I’ve discussed on here this blog before how I’ve never been able to stick to a year-long...

The Cyclopean Ruins (pt. 3)

Today I’ll be continuing level 4 of my megadungeon, this one entitled “The Cyclopean...

2d6 encounter table

This summer, I was fortunate enough to take part in the School for Poetic Computation’s Worlds...