(Today’s post continues on from yesterday’s rolls. Check them out here!)
Room 24: This room and the hallway outside it are infested with yellow mold. An infected adventurer was sealed in ages ago, and their spirit now resides in the cloud of spores. They know much about the next layer down in the prison, but are flighty and hard to pin down. The door to the room is trapped; anyone attempting to open it will have their hand pricked by a needle dosed with a nonlethal agent.
Room 25: Chalk tally marks on the wall number in the hundreds
Room 26: A robber, intent on gathering the 500 Coins. He has been in the prison for years but remembers little about the other levels and is willing to share even less. He has stashed 100 CP in Room 23, 90 PP in Room 29, and 100 SP in this room. The silver is hidden in several invisible chests dredged up from lower levels of the dungeon and rigged with poison needles in the handles.
Room 27: Rotten bedrolls and the remains of a campfire.
Room 28: Dark water pooling from a large hole in the floor from an unknown depth. 1d6 silvery bubbles are on the surface at any given time. These can be removed and consumed to gain water breathing.
Room 29: 90 PP stashed behind a loose ceiling block. If the block is disturbed, it falls dealing damage and the stirges behind it. The block is further disguised behind a layer of illusory paint; the remaining pot of paint is stashed along with the coins. Anything painted with it will become camouflaged to its current environment. The paint is extremely difficult to remove.
Room 30: Buckets of long-dried plaster and the tools to apply it.