The Nether Prison of the Astral Vulture pt. 3 (#Dungeon24)

If you missed the start of my 2024 Dungeon project, check it out here! Not much preamble this week, on to the dungeon!

a large dungeon map on blue grid paper arranged as a central square with additional squares on each corner.

The Rolls

Room 13: Empty

Room 14: Empty

Room 15: Special

Room 16: Empty

Room 17: Empty

Room 18: Empty

Room 19: Empty

Room 20: Empty

Room 21: Empty

Room 22: Special

Room 23: 2 Berserkers (+2 on attacks vs men, kobolds, goblins, orcs), 100 CP, loose

Room 24: Special

Room 25: Empty

Room 26: 1 Robber with 100 SP in huge, invisible chests w/ poisoned needles in handles

Room 27: Empty

Room 28: Special

Room 29: 3 Stirges with 90 PP in metal urns, protected by a falling stone block and hidden by illusion

Room 30: Empty

A huge spate of empty rooms here. I wound up putting a lot more detail into the empty rooms than I expected to, so I’ll do some of the above rolled results today and the rest tomorrow. 

 The fact that our treasure is coming in chunks of 100, 100, and 90 makes me want to do something special with it. I went to Luke Gearing’s excellent &&&&&&&&& Treasure to find some inspiration, and I think I’ll use a modified verison of the doubleface drachm. The small lines and markings on these coins create a map if 500 of them are assembled. In this case, I’ll say it’s five sets of 100 coins; 100 copper, 100 silver, 100 electrum, 100 gold, and 100 platinum. So in this batch we have the silver coins, the copper coins, and 90 of the platinum coins. We’ll plant the rest of these elsewhere in this dungeon. I think the robber in room 26 will be a treasure hunter who has been using the Nether-Prison as his home base in his quest to assemble the coins. Perhaps they’ve stashed their horde in different rooms to keep it safe from other would-be mapmakers. We have a lot of special rooms to fill today, let’s get cracking:

My Spin

Room 13: Empty save for the long rotten remains of bedrolls and rations. The room is safe and the bar is easily barred. The prisoners who once camped here are long gone. 

Room 14: A trail of copper coins leads from the portcullis in the east through the door in the north west. The door in the south west is trapped; a spiked gate will close on anyone attempting to pass through.

Room 15: The construction of this room is out of place; pale marble columns replace the dusty grey masonry seen throughout the rest of the prison. A plinth in the middle can be used to present offerings to the gods. Some have found escape from the prison, though they may not return to where they came from.

Room 16: Empty save for two identical helmets, both broken. 

Room 17: The west and east doors are mirrored on the inside; opening either door breaks the balance and causes the reflection of the triggering creature from the opposite door to come to life. Reflections make reaction rolls, but fully believe themselves to be the original creature, entering from the opposite door. 

Room 18: Empty, dusty

Room 19: A small trail of copper coins leads into room 14

Room 20: The walls are coated with layers of plaster, under which can be found the dusty remains of a yellow mold infestation. A secret door is walled over in the west. 

Room 21: Thick, clumsily plastered walls conceal a long-dormant yellow mold infestation. The door in the east is plastered over.

Room 22: The divine touch of Room 15 has spread to this room; a marble hearth is set into the wall. Any firewood placed in it will be affected by the spell Sticks to Snakes. The chimney of the hearth leads to the surface like the vulture’s rooms, but it is only 6” square.

Room 23: Two manhunters, accustomed to slaying intelligent prey. 100 copper pieces have been strewn from their hiding places in this room. The manhunters are not aware of the pennies’ value.