5 Parsecs From Home Crew Build!!

In case you missed it, I recently started a crew for a 5 Parsecs from Home campaign. Last time, we rolled up the crew of six and wrote out their backstories. Today we’ll be

Now, on to the construction. I built a Bill Making Stuff-style bead bot with the intention of using it as TW-K0, but I’m not sure I love it for that. It wound up being pretty tall, and I don’t know it will look great on the table with the other 28mm minis. I still really like this figure, but I might take another pass for our pilot robot.

Next up, I’m going to be digging through my box of mini parts in order to scratch together a figure for each of the other characters. I rolled up a bunch of gear and assigned it to the crew, and I’ll be using that as a general basis for the figures. You can find my full character sheets here, but here’s an overview: 

  • Eelin Kinall (Mysterious Past): Colony Rifle, Blast Pistol
  • Kham Cyone (De-converted): Colony Riffle
  • Lani (Precursor): Hunting Rifle w/ Tracking Sight, Displacer
  • T’Kara (K’Erin): Military Rifle w/ Assault Blade, Blast Pistol
  • Arlont Loraay (Basic Human): Hand Cannon, Boarding Saber
  • TW-K0 (Bot): Colony Rifle, Scrap Pistol
  • I’m really on the fence about whether Eelin or Arlont should be my captain. On the one hand, I had Arlont as the one who brought the crew together. On the other, Eelin has a built in rival. We’ll stick with Eelin for now. 


I initially imagined Eelin as an alien, but I actually really liked this wild-haired head, I think it’s from a Frostgrave witches set. I pulled out some possibilities, and ended up with a pretty good agitator in like, a combat vest and a nice dynamic pose.


Arlont was originally going to be a sort of cleric wielding a mace, given his Faith motivation, but once I rolled the boarding saber I started getting a more swashbuckler kind of image in my head. I sketched out both ideas in plastic to see which one I liked more. After building both, I honestly like the space marine. He’s big, but not so big that he doesn’t fit in with the other figures. I think we’re going space cleric. 


I pulled aside this Boushh-looking head for T’Kara, but then I stumbled on a lizard head with a gas mask from Northstar’s Lizardfolk set. I’m definitely planning to use the other heads when I actually build the lizard people, so I’ll go ahead and use this one here. It also means we don’t have to decide what K’Erin look like right away, just that they have some little horns. 


Kham is going to start out with this Warhammer head, from the same set of Deathwing Knights as Arlont. I don’t really mind that his head is a little too big for this body even, I’m probably going to graft a bunch of out-of-proportion machines to his arms anyway. I reached for some parts from my Gaslands box, and I think I’ll wind up lopping the barrels off these guns from an old model plane and constructing some claw hands or something. 


Lani is stumping me. I started with a hodgepodge of these space-dwarves and some lizardfolk arms, because I’ve given them a hunting rifle and built them out kind of as a sniper.

I don’t love it. I found a weird mask and some sci-fi spider arms, which might be something. But then I remembered I have a set of Black Sun Enforcers for Star Wars Legion I picked up on sale (Legion is still too rich for my blood, I’m still hoping Shatterpoint makes it easier to get Legion models on sale). I think I’ll build one of these and paint it “correctly,” that way I can use it for Lani while still being able to build the rest of the figures at a later date. Legion figures are much bigger than I thought, but I kind of like this for Lani. She almost looks like an ancient Greek statue or something next to everyone else. Plus, the kneeling position keeps her a little shorter. 

I did also build this figure using the spider mask, and I might actually like it more than the Legion figure. I don’t love her main body being so medieval, but I bet we can do something cool with colors, or even file off some of the fur trim. Once we get the whole team together we’ll see what works out best. 

TW-K0 still eludes me, but I have some ideas. Next time I revisit this series I’ll have all the figures built, if not painted. I’m going to say now that I might play the first mission with one or more figures unpainted. In the spirit of this blog project in general, I don’t want perfect to be the enemy of done. Cheers everyone, see you Monday!